Chinese Medicine has been used for thousands of years to assist with gynaecological and obstetric conditions. This includes reproductive health problems such as infertility.
If you are looking for natural fertility medicine, Chinese Medicine can be a great option to assist with your IVF or infertility treatment needs.
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) will be used in conjunction with acupuncture to enhance the treatment protocol. For those who are highly needle phobic, you can choose low level laser therapy for fertility without the acupuncture.
As part of your consultation, the following physiological conditions will be taken into consideration:
- Your hormonal balance;
- Blood supply to the ovaries, an increase of which can improve the quality of eggs;
- Sperm quantity and quality;
- Scarring and adhesions;
- Condition of the uterine lining; and
- Your overall stress and anxiety levels.
Pre-conception care:
Involves weekly acupuncture treatments, low level laser therapy (LLLT), a dietary and lifestyle plan including supplementation and herbs, at least 3 months prior to falling pregnant so that the body is in optimal health for the journey ahead.
We look at any underlying health conditions that need to be addressed and specific functional tests will be conducted if necessary. It will be useful to bring along any medical tests.
Carrying on with regular treatments during pregnancy will assist and address pregnancy related complaints such as morning sickness, reflux and high blood pressure.
From week 35, it’s advised to have weekly acupuncture treatments to mentally and physically prepare for labour. This is the time to prepare the cervix and soften the muscles and tendons in the pelvis.
Post-natal care:
It’s important to ensure that all post-natal complaints are addressed and that the new mum is fully supported both physically and mentally.
If Chinese Medicine is of interest to you in terms of infertility treatment or natural IVF support, please contact me so that we can prepare a personalised plan for you.
To find our more and discuss your Natural Fertility and Acupuncture needs with Sonia Perez – go to the Contact Page HERE.
To schedule an appointment with Sonia – click HERE.