With well over 20 million chemicals that have been synthesised since the Industrial Revolution, and that number increasing by more than 1 million a year, it is now more important than ever to maintain a regular detoxification routine.
At that trajectory, it is well known that we are currently experiencing and going to face in the future:
“growing health, environmental, and economic problems related to chemical exposures and pollution”.
The best way to protect yourself is through cellular detoxification and Sonia has been guiding patients through a one month detoxification program for several years now.
A common question is: “But don’t we have various processes in our body that do all the detoxing? Isn’t that is enough?”
Yes, we have an amazing body with incredible systems in place that maintains homeostasis and is continually detoxifying. However, with the constant onslaught of:
- Environmental toxins in the air we breathe and the water we drink
- Toxic food choices and poor eating habits
- Emotional toxicity (e.g. anxiety and stress)
- Sedentary living and inactivity etc..
…our organs of elimination are becoming overburdened, with unexplained health symptoms and chronic health conditions (including disease) on the rise…
Sonia sees first hand in her practice, how the burden of toxicity is directly related to the epidemic of disease we are currently observing across the world.
Cellular Detoxification Program Melbourne:
This detoxification program is based on cleansing and detoxifying the body at the cellular level to regenerate weak and inflamed organs and tissues.
What does the detoxification program entail?:
- Four (4) weeks of cleansing, which includes a liver cleanse, a parasite cleanse and a colon cleanse.
- Remember it takes 3 weeks to change bad habits and at least 2 months to make new habits last…
- You’ll have an understanding of the 4 processes of digestion and elimination.
- You’ll learn about seasonal eating and knowing when the best time to start a detox program is.
- Herbal formulas will be administered for enhanced detoxification.
- A clean eating protocol will be prescribed with easy to follow and delicious recipe cards.
- Specific Qi Gong exercises to re-balance your body both emotionally and physically.
- You’ll learn how to identify and eliminate toxins from your home.
Throughout the program you will be supporting the endocrine glands and strengthening the organs of elimination.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the Lymphatic System, which is one of the most important systems in the body that needs to work optimally in order for your body to detoxify properly and build immunity.
Meditation and Qigong exercises to massage the internal organs, stimulate the lymphatic system and provide the cells with an abundance of oxygen for optimal functioning are also part of the detoxification program.
This comprehensive detoxification program is available at Sonia’s clinic in Melbourne or online for those wanting to be in the comfort of their own home.
To find our more and discuss your Detoxification needs with Sonia Perez – go to the Contact Page HERE.
To schedule an appointment with Sonia – click HERE.